WavePay account and CB Pay account can now be linked by the user digitally without needing to go to the bank. This linkage will bring frictionless cash transfers between these two accounts.
You must have WavePay Level 2 account and CB Bank account. Make sure the mobile number that is tied to your CB Pay account is active to receive OTP.
Go to Cash in/out page and click “Add More Banks”
Choose Bank Name
Fill in the CB Bank account number you wish to link
Choose Learn More for Tutorial (or) if not required click “Continue”
Learn step-by-step instruction for linkage with tutorial view
Enter the PIN number
Linkage has been requested and you will receive 8 digit OTP sms from Wave Money to CB Pay account phone number
Open CB Pay app and click “Pay Bill”
Choose “Mobile Money Payment” in Bill Type and choose “Wave Money/ WavePay” in Biller
Fill in the 8-digit OTP received from Wave Money
Check the information and press “Next”
You will get a successful linkage with CB Bank Special acc via SMS
You can also check the successful linkage in WavePay
Go to Cash in/ Cash out page and click “CB Bank”
Click “Unlink Bank Account”
Click “Confirm” to unlink the bank account
Enter the PIN Number
Bank account has been successfully unlinked