This Registration Agreement constitutes the agreement between Customer, and Digital Money Myanmar Limited (“DMM”) upon Customer registration or activity to use and avail of the mobile financial services (the “Service”) offered by DMM.



 Account means an MFS account owned and operated by the Customer under conditions of this Agreement.

Active User means an Account in which at least one (1) transaction has occurred in the last ninety (90) days.

Agreement means this Registration Agreement together with the Schedule of Fees, as revised by DMM from time to time.

CBM means the Central Bank of Myanmar.

Customer means an individual person, or juridical entity, party to this Agreement who has duly registered to avail of the Service or who makes use of non-registered Services.

DMM means Digital Money Myanmar Limited.

Inactive Account means any Account where the account has not conducted any transaction for more than ninety (90) days or continuous twelve (12) months.

Fees means all fees and charges for the use of the Service, as published by DMM and included in the Schedule of Fees.

Level 2 Account means any Account whose KYC (Know Your Customer) information has been verified and approved as per regulatory requirements.

Mobile Financial Services Account or MFS Account means a store of value provided by DMM for the purposes of conducting transactions related to the Service

MSISDN means Mobile Station International Subscriber Directory Number, which is a unique number used to identify the Customer on a mobile network

Network Service Provider means the telecommunications and data services provider used by the Customer to communicate and transact with DMM.

Non-registered Services / Over The Counter (OTC) are services provided by DMM without requiring Customer registration.

PIN or Personal Identity Number means a 4-digit code used to authenticate Customer identity when availing of the Service.

POS/Agent or Point-of-Sale/Agent means a person or entity who enters into an agency agreement with DMM to provide the Service directly to Customers on behalf of DMM.

Schedule of Fees means the list of Fees to be paid by the Customer for the use of the Service, which are publicly made available by DMM, the POS/Agents and Distributors.

Service means the mobile financial services, and in particular the provision of payments and financial services through the use of mobile technology infrastructure including, electronic terminals, and credit tokens.

SIM means Subscriber Identity Module, which is a microchip device used to authenticate a subscriber on the mobile network.

Passcode means a 6-digit-secret number generated by the Customer that he/ she informs in secret to his beneficiary to perform an OTC transaction.

Port Out means Mobile phone users to retain their mobile numbers when changing from one mobile network operator to another.

Terminated Account means any  Account which has been terminated in accordance with the directive of the State Administration Council, as notified by Central Bank of Myanmar and internal polices of DMM.


2.1 Customer Identity and Qualification

a.  Level 2 Account – Customer must submit to DMM with applicable documents to satisfy proof of identity in accordance with the criteria set by DMM and CBM.

b. Over-the-Counter-Services – Customer may avail of over-the-counter services by providing Customer’s MSISDN with applicable documents (as per criteria set by DMM and CBM) to satisfy proof of identity in accordance with the criteria set by DMM and CBM.

c. In order to avail of any or all of the Services, Customer must have an active Myanmar based mobile  SIM.

2.2 Customer Registration

a. Registration shall be either through authorized POS/Agent channels or self-registration.

b. Customer must select a PIN at the time of registration in order to authorize transaction requests made via the registered MFS Account.

c. Customer must have enough credit in the MFS Account to complete requested transactions. DMM reserves the right to decline transactions requested by Customers with insufficient credit.

d. Customer must maintain sufficient SIM Credit.

2.3 Rights and Obligations of the Customer

a. Customer shall keep his PIN confidential and not disclose it to any third party, including a POS/Agents or representatives of DMM.

b. When using a transaction requiring a Passcode, Customer shall keep this Passcode confidential and disclose it solely to the intended recipient of funds. Customer shall not disclose the Passcode to any party other than the intended recipient, including POS/Agents.

c. Customer shall notify DMM immediately in case Customer’s mobile phone or SIM is stolen in order for DMM to block the MFS Account number registered on the SIM. The registered MFS Account is an access mechanism, and by blocking the MFS Account, the Service is suspended, and unauthorized transactions are prevented.

d. If anyone obtains Customer’s PIN and is able to access the SIM and registered MFS Account of the Customer, it will be presumed that such person accessing the MFS Account is the Customer himself or his authorized representative.

e. Customer may not in any way cede, assign or transfer any of his rights and obligations under this Agreement or the use of the Service without the express and prior consent of DMM.

f. Customer shall not use the Services for any abusive, illegal, fraudulent or criminal purpose, including but not limited to money laundering and terrorist financing.

g. Customer shall have the right to encash or redeem the value of money held in his MFS Account at any time, with or without terminating his MFS Account. This redemption may be subject to a fee as advised by DMM.

2.4 MFS Account Changes

a. The Customer is advised not to Port-Out while his MFS Mobile Account is open. The MFS mobile   account status has to be closed before a Port-Out request is made by the Customer.

b. No MSISDN Change or MSISDN Termination request will be allowed. The MFS mobile status has to be closed in order for a MSISDN Change or MSISDN Termination request to take place.

c. No Ownership Change request should be allowed for the MSISDN. The MFS mobile account status has to be closed in order for an Ownership Change request to take place.

d. Upon a SIM replacement for any MSISDN, the Account PIN would be changed. Customer would need to call the Call Center and request a PIN Change before he/ she can use his/ her account.

e. If a Customer decides to stop using the MSISDN on which his MFS account is registered, he/ she is strongly advised to cash out i.e. withdraw his balance prior to stopping the usage of the Wave account.

2.5 Lodging of Complaints

a. Customer may lodge complaints in relation to the provision of the Service by contacting the DMM hotline provided upon registration or by notifying DMM in writing. DMM shall investigate the complaint and resolve the complaint within (5) Business Days, If the complaint is not resolved within (5) Days, DMM shall inform Customer of the cause and resolve the same within the subsequent (10) business Days.

b. A complaint reference number and other relevant information shall be provided to Customer to enable him to inquire as to the progress of the complaint.

c. If Customer is not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint, Customer shall have the right to escalate the complaint to a senior representative of DMM to examine the resolution.

2.6 Mobile Financial Services Fraud

a. In case Customer has probable cause to believe that he/ she has been a victim of a fraud involving unauthorized and/or suspicious use of his/ her MFS Account, Customer shall immediately report such incident to DMM through the nearest POS/Agent and file a written report or call the DMM hotline to orally report the incident.

b. Customer shall cooperate with DMM and the proper authorities in conducting the investigation of the alleged fraud report.

c. Upon investigation, and should DMM and the authorities find that a case of fraud was in fact committed without the fault or negligence on the party of the Customer, and despite compliance by the Customer with the safety and security measures provided by DMM in the use of the Service, DMM, at its discretion, may reimburse any losses suffered by reason of such fraud.

d. Customer shall provide all necessary information to DMM which DMM reasonably requires in order to manage cases of fraud, money-laundering or terrorism financing risk or to comply with any laws in Myanmar or any other country and Customer agree that DMM may disclose any information concerning the Customer to any related company or partner, law enforcement, regulation agency or court where required by any such law, in Myanmar or elsewhere.

2.7 Rights and Obligations of DMM

a. DMM shall provide the Service to Customer and ensure that the Service is available to the Customer for use at all time, excepting technological difficulties beyond DMM’s control.

b. DMM shall have the right to suspend or block MFS account in accordance with Clause 4 below.

c. DMM has the right to impose limits on transactions and account balances in accordance with CBM regulations or its own policies and procedures. Information about these limits will be available at POS/Agents locations, via the DMM website or contact center.

d. DMM may from time to time amend the Services offered or the terms and conditions related to the use of the Service. Customer will, via, be notified of material changes only, within a reasonable period of time of the changes to the Service or its terms and conditions of use. Customers will have (30) days from receipt of notification via www. to terminate the Service if Customer does not agree with the amended terms and conditions. If Customer continues to use the Service within (30) days after DMM has sufficiently given Customer notice of the amendments, or (30) days have lapsed without Customer notifying DMM of his/ her intention to terminate, DMM will be entitled to assume that Customer has read and agreed to be bound by the amended Service or terms and conditions.

e. DMM may communicate with Customer from time to time using short message service (“SMS”) or any electronic medium without guaranteeing the accuracy or arrival of such SMS. DMM will only use designated numbers or channels to contact Customer. DMM shall not be liable for any loss, expense, claim or damage whatsoever caused to the Customer arising from any delay or failure by Customer to receive such SMS.

f.   DMM makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to the operation and functionally of the Service.

g. DMM has the right to impose a service fee on a periodic basis on any Inactive Account or Terminated Account and such fee shall be deducted from the available balance in the said account.

2.8 Transaction Records

Upon request, DMM shall provide Customer with a record of all Service Transactions made from Customer’s MFS Account within the last (60) days, either in electronic or hard copy formats. Customer may request this record by contacting the DMM hotline. DMM reserves the right to charge a fee for the provision of this record.


3.1 DMM shall charge fees for the provision of the Services in accordance with the Schedule of Fees which shall be made publicly available at the POS/Agent locations and DMM website.

3.2 DMM shall have the right to change the Fees from time to time.

3.3 Any additional fees that may be charged by a third-party Network Service Provider shall be for the account of the Customer.


4.1 DMM may at any time, terminate this Agreement and the use of Services by Customer under the following circumstances:

a. A Customer has breached the terms and conditions of this Agreement including his warranties under this Agreement.

b. Customer’s Account remains inactive for a period of continous 12 months.

c. Customer’s Account has been a subject of an investigation under Clause 2.6 of this Agreement.

d. A Customer has not carried out the initial PIN reset for more than 30 days of registration.

e. A Customer has not carried out any transaction for more than 180 days after his initial PIN reset.

f.  A Customer has not carried out any transaction for more than 180 days and has zero balance in his    Account.

4.2   In the event of such termination under Clause 4.1, a Customer may contact the Call Centre for resolving the relevant issues and reactivation of the relevant account.  In case of termination by reason of fraud and other causes under Clause 2.6, DMM reserves the right to exercise other rights and remedies available to it under relevant laws and regulations in addition to terminating this Agreement and the provision of the Service.

4.3   DMM shall have the right to lock/block/suspend a non-zero balance account if he/ she has not carried out any transaction for more than 180 days. Customer can get in touch with the Call Center for reactivating his/ her Account after providing the required information for account verification.

4.4   Customer may at any time terminate the Service by giving DMM such notice in writing through a POS/Agent location or by calling the DMM hotline.

4.5 All outstanding fees and obligations of the Customer shall remain payable after termination of this Agreement. DMM reserves the right to set off any unpaid transactions or fees from any other account held by Customer with DMM.

4.6 Customer’s MFS account is being used for un-authorized provision of DMM’s services without prior consent from DMM. DMM reserves the rights for immediate termination of such MFS accounts and claim of withheld balance by the Customer through a separate process. Customer may inquire the background of such termination & refund process by contacting the DMM hotline.


5.1 In case a Customer’s MFS Account has been terminated or suspended in accordance with the provisions of Clause 4.1, Customer may, by written communication, request from DMM that such termination or suspension be lifted and his/ her MFS Account be reinstated.

5.2 The request for reinstatement of MFS Account referred to in Clause 5.1 shall be reviewed by DMM and may be granted on a case-by-case basis, provided that the causes for termination under Clause 4.1 no longer exist.


6.1 Customer shall be liable for any unauthorized transaction that has been debited to Customer’s MFS Account using the PIN or Passcode, unless it can be proven that such unauthorized transaction was due to DMM’s own fault or gross negligence.

6.2 Customer agrees to use the Service at his/ her own risk and DMM shall not be held liable for any loss or damage whatsoever, unless such loss or damage arises from DMM’s own gross negligence or fraud.

6.3 Products purchased using the Service but supplied by a third party are sold under the terms and conditions of the relevant third-party network service provider and the terms and conditions of this Agreement do not supersede any existing agreement between Customer and third-party network service provider.

6.4 A Customer needs to withdraw the money from his wallet before his SIM is being deactivated or allocated to  another Customer by a Mobile Operator . In the event that the relevant Customer’s account is accessed by a new customer who is using the same MSISDN , DMM shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by Customer’s negligence.

6.5 Customer shall be responsible for giving correct information and instructions when registering beneficiaries or payees for its MFS Account. DMM will not be responsible for any loss or damage caused by Customer’s fault, either in setting up the beneficiary or payee or in making erroneous payments using the Service. DMM shall not be responsible for the verification of the identity of payment recipients. DMM cannot reverse duplicate incorrect payments made by Customers. DMM shall only be responsible for carrying out specific payment instructions made by the Customer in connection with the use of the Service. Notice of confirmation of payment to the recipient does not warrant that the recipient has received the payment or has access to the funds. DMM accepts no liability whatsoever, and Customer shall indemnify DMM against any loss, expense, claim or damage that Customer or a third party may suffer, whether direct, indirect or consequential, arising from the use of the Service, or arising from any delay or failure by DMM to send an email, SMS or other electronic messages in relation to the Service. DMM makes no representation or warranty, whether express or implied, as to the operation and functionality of the Service or the accuracy and integrity of the transmitted information.

6.6 Customer shall be granted such rights which he/ she may have under relevant laws and regulations as a consumer.


DMM may use Customer information to:

7.1 Manage Customer account, carry out Customer-care activities and train our staff, including monitoring calls, emails or text messages that Customer send us;

7.2 Monitor the quality and security of the network and test and maintain our IT systems;

7.3 Analyze Customer use of the services for marketing purposes, including, but not limited to, the calls and messages Customer send and receive and Customer location at the time these communications take place, as well as Customer browsing history and use of our websites;

7.4 Disclose information to police or law enforcement authorities as required by Myanmar Law;

7.5 Disclose information to DMM’s parent companies and subsidiaries for internal administrative and operational purposes or to any service providers engaged by them; and

7.6 Contact Customer with marketing messages if Customer has not objected. These messages may include marketing from other organizations, but we will not pass the responsibility of Customer information to these other organizations. If a customer does not want to receive marketing messages from DMM, they can contact us through our website or by calling 900  (ATOM Customers only) or 9790009000 .

For more details on how we use Customer information, please read the privacy policy on our website.


8.1 DMM shall have the right to transfer and assign this Agreement at any time.

8.2 No failure or delay on the part of either Party in exercising any power or right hereunder or no knowledge or acquiescence by either Party hereto of or in any breach of any terms and conditions or covenants herein contained, shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of such right or power preclude any other or further exercise of any other right or power herein.

8.3 Wherever used in this Agreement, a pronoun in the masculine gender shall be considered as including the feminine gender unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.

8.4 This Agreement and the provision of the Services shall be governed by Myanmar law.

Sd/- xxx

Authorized Signatory


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