To make the online linkage for your Wave account and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account

To make the online linkage for your Wave account and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account without visiting the bank branches, you can see the step by step of how to make the online linkage.

Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Tap “Add More Banks”
Tap “Yoma Bank”
Select “Flexi Everyday Account” under “Type of Account” and input account number. Then, tap “Continue”
A review page will appear to check all the information you input is correct. Then, tap “Continue”
Type your 4-digit PIN of your WavePay account.
SMS that includes 6-digit OTP will be sent to the mobile number that is tied with your Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account. Then, input the OTP.
The online linkage of your WavePay account and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account is successful.
Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Tap “Add More Banks”
Tap “Add More Banks”
Tap “Yoma Bank”
Tap “Yoma Bank”
Select “Flexi Everyday Account” under “Type of Account” and input account number. Then, tap “Continue”
Select “Flexi Everyday Account” under “Type of Account” and input account number. Then, tap “Continue”
A review page will appear to check all the information you input is correct. Then, tap “Continue”
A review page will appear to check all the information you input is correct. Then, tap “Continue”
Type your 4-digit PIN of your WavePay account.
Type your 4-digit PIN of your WavePay account.
SMS that includes 6-digit OTP will be sent to the mobile number that is tied with your Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account. Then, input the OTP.
SMS that includes 6-digit OTP will be sent to the mobile number that is tied with your Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account. Then, input the OTP.
The online linkage of your WavePay account and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account is successful.
The online linkage of your WavePay account and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday account is successful.

Unlink Wave and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday Account Online

You can see the step by step of how to make an unlink Wave and Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday Account from online .

Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Tap “Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday”
Tap “Unlink Bank Account”
If you are sure to unlink, tap “Confirm”
Type your 4-digit PIN and unlinking your WavePay account from Yoma Bank SMART account is successful.
Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Launch WavePay App and tap “Cash In/Out”
Tap “Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday”
Tap “Yoma Bank Flexi Everyday”
Tap “Unlink Bank Account”
Tap “Unlink Bank Account”
If you are sure to unlink, tap “Confirm”
If you are sure to unlink, tap “Confirm”
Type your 4-digit PIN and unlinking your WavePay account from Yoma Bank SMART account is successful.
Type your 4-digit PIN and unlinking your WavePay account from Yoma Bank SMART account is successful.

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