What does Secret Code mean when transferring money?

Secret Code is used when the money is transferred via WavePay account or from Wave Money shop to the recipient who does not have WavePay account. This secret code is auto-generated if you transfer money from Wave Money shop. If you transfer money from your WavePay account to the recipient who does not have a… Continue reading What does Secret Code mean when transferring money?

How do I know whether the Wave Money call center is contacting me?

Wave Money call center reaches out to you with only two numbers: 900 for Telenor users and 09790009000 for non-Telenor users. Please remember that, whenever you make a contact or Wave Money’s official Messenger contacts you, the real Wave Money’s official Facebook page has the blue mark. Most important of all, Wave Money’s call center… Continue reading How do I know whether the Wave Money call center is contacting me?